Each year more than 1.6 million children are homeless at some point in their lives, and that number is increasing (The National Center on Family Homelessness). Along with losing their home, community, friends, and routines as well as their sense of stability and safety, many homeless youth are also victims of trauma. While trying to survive on the streets, youth are exposed to countless dangers.
How can your students help? Small gestures can go a long way.
1. Feed a teen for a full day by sending $10.00 to Covenant House, the largest private national agency exclusively serving homeless kids. Last year, they cared for more than 56,000 children. Give now at covenanthouse.org.
2. Drop off new school supplies like pencils, notebook paper, and binders at a local Staples store at the beginning of each school year to help high school students succeed. Get details and store locations at do something.org/staples.
3. Head to goodsearch.com instead of Googling your online queries. The site will donate one cent to the fight against homelessness every time you search; just enter the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth as your favorite charity.
4. Be a lifeline for homeless teens in your area by volunteering through the National Runaway Switchboard. They need Street Team members to identify at-risk kids and direct them to 1-800-RUNAWAY for information on safe housing, food, and counseling. Find out more at 1800runaway.org/get_involved.
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